Mortise and tenon, dovetail, lap joint, through-tenon, birdsmouth notch -- posts, beams, braces, roof rafters . . . spend five days with the Shelter Institute staff and learn how to design, layout, cut and assemble a timber frame structure. At the end of the week you will leave with detailed cut sheets for a 24x24 timber frame structure and the knowledge of how to hand-craft a timber frame structure yourself. The next Purely Post and Beam Class begins on Sunday January 24 and runs through Friday January 29, 2010 and there are still a few spaces available. Don’t worry about January weather in Maine because the class is held in a 10,000 square foot heated workshop. You will need a few tools for the class -- you probably have at least some of them but you may need to pick up a few items from our tool list -- the good news is that we have a great selection of timber framing tools in our specialty tools store and the really good news is that we offer a LIFETIME 10 percent discount to our students on top of our already very competitive prices. Below is a slideshow of photos from a recent timber framing class – take a peek and see if this is something that you would enjoy, that you could learn from, that you could apply in the field. If you are a grad -- please post a comment on your experience in our class!
Planting Season
11 years ago
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