Many timberframers who have spent time at Shelter are familiar with the 3" and 2-3/8" Sorby slicks we carry. Like all Sorby tools, it's finely crafted. The heft of this tool makes it unique, and it's preferred by those who like to put some weight behind their work. The well tempered steel provides a durable edge that is easily sharpened.
In addition to Robert Sorby chisels and slicks, we also carry their woodturning tools. Call, email, or visit Shelter if there is a Sorby tool you have questions about or would like to purchase.
Ken at work. |
If you've interested in wood turning, but haven't gotten the nerve up to start collecting tools, then come to Shelter this weekend and spend the morning with turner and carver, Ken Hatridge of Tree Trunk Designs.
Ken is offering his Introduction and Demonstration of Woodturning class on Saturday, April 27, from 9 am to 12 noon at the Shelter Campus. The class is $45. Registration is available online and seating is on a first-come, first-served basis.
During the class, you'll be able to see Ken's expert woodturning techniques, learn about his favorite essential starter tools, and discuss qualities to look for in a lathe. Ken will also discuss wood species, layout, and design as well as tips and techniques for you to try in your own workshop.Ken is trained in the art of woodturning, strives to continually learn more, and experiments with new skills and techniques. He has been trained in cabinetry and millwork, is an active member of the Southern Maine Woodturners, and is a member of the American Association of Woodturners. Frequently Ken does woodturning demonstrations at meetings and shows.