Sunday, April 19, 2009

Wiring Workshop

April 25, 2009 9:30-1:30
50% discount for past-students taking a re-fresher

If you have ever wanted to replace a light, add a receptacle or modify your wiring you've had to look carefully at those wires coming out of your wall.

Learn to be confident about wiring through a complete understanding of ELECTRICITY! This workshop teaches how to wire or re-wire your home. We first describe what electricity is and how to control it in simple, non-technical language. Next we discuss the National Electrical Code, with focus on the major affects of the code on residential wiring, how to wire a house that conforms to the code and how to interpret the code. This is followed by a discussion of how electricity actually ends up in the house. Finally, we break into small groups to practice wiring sample panels, switches and lights.

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